Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Red river

The good news is, most of our clients this and the past week will need new freezers when they get home, the bad news is, they're going to need to get new freezers!

The Kenai River sockeye, or red salmon, continue to pour in and we've been sending folks off with boxes of the coveted fillets.
The krill-eating red salmon have most succulent and rich flesh of all the of the Pacific salmon species, and while king and coho are good in their own right, red salmon is what us real Alaskans will fill our own freezers with.
We've markedly reduced our feffort for king salmon as of Tuesday as state officials have limited use of bait river-wide. While king fishing is not frivolous, with an option to take six reds a person, with bag limits often reached before 10 a.m., the option has been pretty clear.
Additionally we've seen steady hauls coming off of the saltwater for our clients going after Cook Inlet halibut, and combination saltwater fishing trips out of Homer have been catching a few silvers too.

Here's a few nice kings caught last week.

1 comment:

  1. That's good to hear. I'll be heading to Red river next week for some fishing adventure. Hope I'll be able to catch salmons.

    By: Alaska Salmon Fishing
